Edible flowers: turning kitchen disasters into works of art

When I was learning to cook we were lucky to have a constant supply of edible flowers from the amazing husbandry school in Devon. One of the first things we learned was how just a few of these little gems could make a boring salad spring to life - and turn just about any kitchen disaster into a michelin starred work of art! 

So, when I saw that Karen over at lavenderandloveage.com and Janie at Hedgecomers.com were using edible flowers as the basis of their June tea time treats challenge I had to get involved. Take a look at my squid and chorizo salad entry or pop over to Karen's and see what other great recipes have been entered.

Tea Time Treats

For guidance on which flowers are safe to eat, or to buy them online, try this link from the good folk at Greens of Devon.